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About Hair Loss & Balding

Hair loss and balding in adults is becoming noticeable at much younger ages. If this ever growing problem is, or is not, being caused by more preservatives in our food or chemicals in the atmosphere, is debatable.

Chemists, Doctors and Novices are all trying to find a way to stop (or at least slow) this naturally occurring dilemma. Drugs like Minoxidil or Finasteride are readily available and pricy. And, many Doctors offer a transplant procedure of hairs from other areas of the body.

Many people with hair loss are either reluctant or financially unable to consider surgery. And others, due to pricy meds or a reluctance to ingest yet more, questionable or possible side effecting drugs, have simply chosen to accept their situation.

Scientists and Doctors offer their many well-educated and differing opinions regarding a comprehensive solution to the cause of hair loss and balding. On the other hand, most less-educated people prefer to apply the KISS approach, to turn a comprehensive explanation into terms that are understandable.

One simple and factual explanation to describe the source of balding is, without proper nutrition and blood flow at the hair’s root, the hair’s follicle will begin to degrade and eventually die. Another simple fact is, once the root has died, no amount of drugs, nutrition, blood flow or surgical procedure will bring it back to life.

Fortunately, there are thousands of “sleeping” hair follicles that share the same place with live and dead hairs. These follicles are sleeping because their roots have a limited amount of blood flow. Increasing the existence of proper nutrition, around these follicles, and thereby increasing the amount of blood flow, will cause the follicle’s root to awaken.

Emu oil is an excellent source of hypoallergenic, all-natural and anti-inflammatory nutrition. By massaging Emu oil into the effected scalp areas, the sleeping roots can be vitalized and growth of the hair can start.



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